Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Korean Language Study Diary

(서법, 어미결합.종류, 상대높임법, 부사전성어미 문제)

-어서/아서/여서, -어라/아라;
-었/았/였-; -(으)시-, -(으)니, -(으)ㄴ, -(으)ㄹ

Endings like ' -느-, -더-, -(으)리-, -(으)니-, -것-' are perceived to make one unit combined with following ending, as '-느냐'.

어미결합 예
(Don't know if there's any other examples... I'll check it out later again after studying mood and aspect part further.)

-더-: -더냐, -시더냐, -시었더냐, -겠더냐, -겠었더냐, -더니, -더라, -더군(<구나), -더구려
-으리:-으리다, -으리라, -으리니, -으리니라,
-것-: -것다
(just one?....)

closing ending(종결어미) signifies both honorific(존비법) and sentence type(문체법).

존비법 signifies social relations.
문체법 signifies functional relations.


(Arr... I want to buy particle and ending dictionary, but this month's personal financial situation is not so good to buy it. ㅠ)

Kinds of Endings
{Ending, 어미}={Prefinal Ending, 선어말어미}∪{Final Ending, 어말어미}

{Final Ending}={Closing Ending 종결어미}∪{Non-closing Ending 비종결어미}

{Non-closing Ending}={Linking Ending, 연결어미}∪{Conversional Ending, 전성어미}

{Linking Ending}={subsidiary ending, 보조적 연결어미}∪{coordinate ending, 대등적 연결어미}∪{subordinate ending, 종속적 연결어미}

철수가 책을 {읽는다, 읽는구나, 읽느냐}
           평서형,  감탄형, 의문형 어미
철수야, 책을 {읽어라, 읽}
            명령형, 청유형 어미
철수야, 내가 책을 {읽으마}
                 약속형 어미
철수야, 책을 {읽으렴(<읽으려무나, 찢을라}
               허락형 어미,    경계형 어미


평서형 -는다
임금 수준만으로는 실제의 생활 수준을 측량할 수 없다는 주장도 설득력을 갖는다.
 정치적 주장은 검찰권 독립에 결코 도움이 되지 않는다.
헤겔을 누락시킨 이 책은 일정한 편향성을 갖는다.
수출업체이기 때문에 환율 변동에 따라 실적이 민감하게 영향을 받는다.


"오! 모두들 뭔가를 무서워하는구나."
"가련한 자여, 소를 타고서 소를 찾는구나."

내 배움의 꿈은 이렇게 사라지는구나.'
'쌔애-' 하고 들리는 매미소리가 그 어느 음악소리보다 더 아름답게 들리는구나
Click here for search for examples in corpus

Closing endings in terms of relative honorifics are divided into formal and informal, and again divided into honorific and non-honorific. In formal register, there are 합쇼체, 하오체 in honorific; 하게체, 해라체 in non-honorific, whereas 해요체 in honorific and 해체 in non-honorific fall into informal register.
The usage of informal register is called amiable usage(정감적용법), which shows personal feeling or attitude toward hearer. Formal register is called ceremonial usage(의례적용법) affected by age, job, position.

e.g. 선생님 안녕하셨습니까? 오래간 만에 뵙습니다. 그런데 하시던 일은 잘 되셨나요. 그 동안 고생이 많으셨지요?

마음을 숨기게 된다.
The essential meaning in '-게' doesn't change even after the erasure of subsidiary verb(보조동사) '된다'.

What applied to passive applies to '-게 하다', which denotes causative, in the same way.
사람들을 놀라게 했다. cf. 사람들이 놀랐다.
The only difference is that causative sentence(사동문) has changed to initiative sentence(주동문).

Subsidiary linking ending(보조적 연결어미) '-게'
보조적 연결어미 '-게' has no problem when concerned with subject, object argument(necessary constituent in a sentence, 논항), yet it acts as  adverb or substitute for linking ending, so it's difficult to define the function. (?? hmmm)

  1. 우리도 이번 국제대회에 출전하게 된다.
  2. 엄마가 아이에게 옷을 입게 했다.
  3. 진달래가 아름답 피었다.  performs as constituent adverb(성분부사) modifying '피었다' of course it can postulate noun '빛깔' as an attribute of noun subject '진달래', but this not about connotation in existence.
  4. 그 아이는 코가 참 예쁘 생겼다. '-게' that attaches to adjectives performs as constituent adverb like '-이(히)' at times, but it often requires noun (phrase) as its argument like this example.
그 아이는 [코가 예쁘]게 생겼다.

In this regard, it's erroneous to treat '-게' is  to consistently treat it as suffix.
  바깥이 잘 보이게 창문을 활짝 열어라. is inapt for retracting the subsidiary function in terms that '-게' is interchangeable with subordinate linking ending '-도록' (though the subject '바깥이' can be left out).

Ending '-게' combines subsidiary with adverbial function. In prescriptive grammar, the two functions are treated polysemically rather than homonymically.
In the first place, '-게' used subsidiarily takes noun (phrase) subject and object as arguments without exception, and then there are more than 30 per cent figure that '-게' is used subsidiarily. It's difficult to set a standard because of  ambiguous line between requiring argument and not. Therefore it is treated as subsidiary function has an adverbial function and can has a tinge of derivative function if necessary.

References:표준국어대사전, 말뭉치찾기, 우리말문법론(2008: 169~176, 표준국어문법론(2011:341~342)

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