Comparing to the phonological name in English, 'high, mid, or low–front or back–rounded or unrounded', a phonological name of vowel in Korean is in order of 'front or back position of tongue-shape of mouth-height of-level of tongue'
front vowel(前舌母音)-----------------back vowel(後舌母音)
---- rounded(圓脣) unrounded(平脣)-----rounded unrounded
high vowel 위(ü) 이(i) 우(u) 으(i)
mid vowel 외(ö) 에(e) 오(o) 어(ə)
low vowel 애(ɛ) 아(a)
front unrounded vowel(전설평순모음) [이, 에, 애]
high front unrounded vowel(전설평순고모음) [이]
mid front unrounded vowel(전설평순중모음) [에]
low front unrounded vowel(전설평순저모음) [애]
high rounded vowel(원순고모음) [우, 위]
high front rounded vowel(전설원순고모음) [위]
high back rounded vowel(후설원순고모음) [우]
mid back vowel(후설중모음) [오, 어]
mid back rounded vowel(후설원순중모음) [오]
mid back unrounded vowel(후설평순중모음) [어]
mid front rounded vowel(전설원순중모음) [외]
back rounded vowel(후설원순모음) [우, 오] [
Let's find vowels that are matched to the following explanation.
(1) A front vowel(前舌母音) to which '오' is changed.
모음의 음운현상은 대개 모음체계와 연관되어 있다. 여러 방언에서 전설모음 '이' 앞의 '으·어·아·우·오'가 각각 '이·에·애·위·외'로 바뀐 움라우트 현상이 그러한 예이다(드리다→ 디리다, 아기→ 애기, 죽이다→ 쥑이다). (Umhahahaha I've found the answer from here!)
(2) A high vowel(高母音) to which '아' is changed and rounding is added.
우? 위? I've got no idea!
(3) A back high vowel(後舌母音) to which '에' has changed and moved
(자기들: 즈그들)
(4) A rounded vowel to which '어' has changed
외, 오, 위, 우?? don't know...
(5) A low vowel to which '이' has changed
(그렇지, 그라재: 아니지, 아니재)
Let's answer the following question, seeing (i), (ii).
(i) 아기>애기, 다리다>대리다, 먹이다>멕이다, 저리다>제리다
(ii) 플>풀, 믈>물, 블>불
(1)Which characteristic of vowel has changed in (i), (ii)?
The back position of tongue moved to the front.
ㅏ(low back unrounded vowel) >ㅐ(low front unrounded), ㅓ(mid back unrounded vowel)>ㅔ(mid front unrounded vowel)
(2)Check the following vowel of the changed vowel, and reveal the relationship between that and change.
The vowel 'ㅣ' changes the position of tongue to the front.
(3)Check the following vowel o f the changed vowel, and reveal the relationship between that and change.
'ㅡ' and 'ㅜ' are high vowels, so their levels of tongue are the same. In comparison to this fact, 'ㅜ' makes the lip shape rounded unlike 'ㅡ'.
활음(glide)=반모음(semivowel): 'y', 'w'
'y' is characteristically analogous to monophthong '이'. ∴ 'y' has the characteristic of front unrounded vowel and can't form a separate syllable alone.
'w' is analogous to monophthongs such as '오, 우' so it has the characteristic of back rounded vowel. Since 'w' is similar to '오, 우', it has the characteristic of back rounded vowel, and alone can't build a separate syllable as well.
와, 워, 웨, 왜 (cf. '워~워~' and '와~' 웩 and 왜?)
The above four diphthongs have glide 'w' in common.
classification of glide
w-diphthongs: 와(wa), 워(wɘ), 왜(wɛ), 웨(we), 위(wi)
w-diphthongs: 야(ya), 여(yə), 요(yo), 유(yu), 얘(yɛ), 예(ye), 의(iy)
Phonetic Value of '위'
The Korean letter '위' can signify either monophthong or diphthong. It refers to high front rounded vowel 'ü' when it signifies monophthong, and it refers to 'wi' which glide 'w' is preceded before '이' when it signifies diphthong. '위' was diphthong 'uy' in middle Korean and it changed to monophthong 'ü' through change. Then, after some period of time, it cahnged to diphthong 'wi' which has rounding and front position of tongue intact in 'ü'. So although 'uy, ü, wi' has the characteristic of rounded lips and front position of tongue in common, they are distinguished by a kind of glide or monophthong.
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