Wednesday, November 28, 2012

보어절(complement clause) 부정사절(infinitive clause)

영어 통사론 용어 중에 complement clause라는 게 있다 어떤 사전은 이 용어의 번역을 종속절이라고 하나 종속절에 속하는 하위 절 중의 하나이다.
complement clause는 명사나 동사의 의미를 보충해 주는 종속절(subordinate clause)이다.

아래와 같은 경우의 절들은 보어절(complement clause)의 기능을 한다
1.종속절 단독으로 believe, tell, say, know, and understand와 같은 동사의 직접목적어의 기능을 할 때
2.종속절이 명사(story, rumor, fact 등)와 형용사(proud, happy, sad 등)를 수식할 때
3.Predicates(be a pity, be a nuisance, be unfortunate, seem, and happen)과 함께 주어로 기능 할 때(이런 것들은 주격보어(subject complement) 또는 주격보어절(subject complement clause)라 불린다.)
Sometimes the term 'complement clause' is extended to the adverbial type of subordinate clause as well.

In the following examples, the underlined subordinate clauses are complements of verbs before them(believe, tell, say, know).

  • I don't believe that it will work
  • Tell John not to wake me
  • Ima said she was going home early
  • We all know why she went.

In the next examples, the underlined subordinate clauses are complements of the various nouns(story, rumor, fact) and adjectives(proud, happy, sad) immediately before them.

  • The story that Christ visited England is just wishful thinking
  • The staff were worried by the rumor that a takeover was imminent
  • The fact that you're safe is all that I care about
  • We are proud that the President came to visit us
  • He was very happy to oblige us
  • But we were sad that he could not say.
Finally, the underlined subordinate clauses below are the subject complements of the predicates(be a pity, be a nuisance, be unfortunate, seem wrong, happen) immediately following them. (이 부분은 subject complement의 정의와 비교할 때 subject complement라고 정하는 게 일치하지 않는다. 주어로 쓰였으므로 subject complement clause라고 해야 할 것이다. the subject complementing the predicates라고 하면 더 명확하고 깔끔 할 텐데 )

  • For Helen, not to see her father was a great pity. 
  • That the bees warmed in your apple tree was a nuisance. 
  • That you arrived just at that moment was most unfortunate. 
  • To do it on my own seems wrong. 
  • That humans evolved in this particular way just happened.
참고문헌 (James R. Hurford, Grammar: A Student's Guide P. 34. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994)

Complement를 보기 전에 Linking verb에 대한 정의를 명확히 해 둘 필요가 있다.

"These copular verbs (also linking verbs) can be divided semantically into two types: (1) Those like be that refer to a current state: appear, feel, remain, seem, sound. (2) Those that indicate a result of some kind: become, get (wet); go (bad); grow (old); turn (nasty). Be is the copula that most often takes adverbial complements which characterize or identify the subject: I felt cold; I felt a fool."
(Sylvia Chalker, "Copula," in The Oxford Companion to the English Language, edited by Tom McArthur, Oxford University Press, 1992)


A word or word group that completes the predicate in a sentence.

The two kinds of complements are subject complements (which follow the verb be and other linking verbs) and object complements (which follow a direct object). If it identifies the subject, the complement is a noun or pronoun; if it describes the subject, the complement is an adjective.

Infinitive Clauses as Subjects and Objects
"A subordinate clause with an infinitive often acts as the subject or object of the main clause. In the following examples, the whole infinitive clause [in bold] is understood as the subject of is human, is decadent or was unnecessary.
- To err is human.
- To drink Martinis before noon is decadent.
- For Mervyn to redirect Maggie's mail was unnecessary.
And in the following examples, the whole infinitive clause [again in bold] is understood as the direct object of hates, loves and expected.
- Jim hates to wash his car.
- Rosie loves to plan parties.
- Phil expected Martha to stay at home all day.
In case this is not obvious at first, you can test this by answering questions such as What does Jim hate? (answer: to wash his car), or What did Phil expect? (answer: Martha to stay at home all day)."
(James R. Hurford, Grammar: A Student's Guide. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994)

주로 목적어를 구별할 때 영어는 목적어를 동사의 행위를 받는 것으로 인식함으로써 구별하고, 한국어는 목적격조사 을/를이 올수 있는지 확인해 봄으로써 구별한다는 점이 다른 것 같다.

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